FAQs: Our most frequently asked questions
Here's our list of FAQs that'll help you with your choice or when you get your new soap or deodorants:
Q Why should I buy natural soap and not cheaper soap you can get anywhere?
Not all soap is the same. Soap in one form or another has been used for a very long time (around 5,000 years) but it was relatively recently that soap was made using industrial chemicals to reduce costs and manufacturing time. As a result, many people think soap is bad for your skin. Because of cheap degreasers like sodium laureth sulphate (SLS) and artificial preservatives like parabens, cheap soaps often dry the skin and cause irritation. Natural soaps are very different - the ingredients result in an excellent cleanser leaving the skin feeling soft and supple, not dry and taut.
Q Why does natural soap cost more?
It's a hand-made product with far more time, skill and effort required to make it than cheaper counterparts. It can take weeks to properly cure a natural soap. But your skin will thank you when you experience washing with it.
Q What's the best way to look after natural soap?
Our soap is a natural product that will dissolve if wet - so when you've finished using your soap bar, make sure it's not sitting in water. A bamboo or teak soap dish (not plastic) or soap tin with a drainage tray is ideal to maximise the life of your product.
Q What's the best way to use natural soap?
Many people will wet the soap bar and their hands and then rotate the bar to create a lather - you don't need too much. They'll then apply the lather to wet skin with just their hands. Rinse and repeat as necessary. However some people like to use a wash cloth or a loofah or even rub the bar directly on their skin - it's very much up to you.
Q What is natural deodorant?
Natural deodorant uses a different strategy to dealing with body odour. Most deodorants just mask odour with artificial chemicals. Anti-perspirants will typically use aluminium to block sweat pores, to reduce sweating. Neither of these approaches is very effective or healthy. Natural deodorant instead neutralises the odorous chemicals from skin bacteria that try to break down your sweat. Combined with essential oils, your armpits will smell better, naturally!
Q Why should I use natural deodorant instead of body spray?
In our experience natural deodorant just works far more effectively - hours of sweaty jiu jitsu sparring has proved that to our testers! Your clothes will also smell better without repeated washing. We think the scent is way better than the typical sprays you buy in the supermarket and you're cutting out unnecessary packaging like aerosol cans and plastic containers. Our products just use cardboard tubes.
Q I've never used natural deodorant before - how do you apply it?
Make sure your armpits are clean and patted dry after showering or a bath and preferably keep any hair trimmed (too much hair makes deodorant trickier to apply). Our deodorants are in stick form to make them more convenient. Remove the lid, then holding the tube in one hand, gently push up from the base using your other thumb until a small amount of the deodorant stick is above the container edge - around a millimetre or or so is enough. Then, gently hold the stick against your armpit for a few moments to warm. Then apply sparingly to both armpits.
Q Are your products cruelty-free?
Yes - all our products are vegan and definitely not tested on animals - although you don't have to be vegan to enjoy them!